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We'll keep you up to date with the latest from Haus Deco Chic Fashion, Lifestyle & Beauty tips, tricks, the latest Fashion and Beauty News, including exclusive offers for some awesome brands...Exclusively for those who Dare to Be Different!
PLUS - Receive automatic entry into my Quarterly Chic Giveaways!

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Simply subscribe to HDCCloset Confidential Newsletter below and you’re automatically entered in the quarterly giveaways & will remain entered every quarterly as long as you remain a member of Haus Deco Chic!
Some of the amazing giveaways include jewelry, health & beauty products, accessories & more!
Inaugural Drawing to be held January 15, 2021!
Winners will be notified via Email or DM on Instagram.
Follow me on Instagram @hausdecochic & Facebook at hausdecochiccollective for the latest Giveaway Announcements.
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Haus Deco Chic Boutique
A Fashion & Style Soul Collective
Haus Deco Chic Boutique is an eccentric & beautifully eclectic fashion & style soul collective.
providing the latest fashion-forward trends in clothing, jewelry, accessories, home & more!
Check out Haus Deco Chic Boutique TODAY! #ShopHausDecoChic

Haus Deco Chic
Closet Confidential Blog
Haus Deco Chic Closet Confidential provides the latest fashion-forward trends, recommendations, and helpful tips on developing personal style & chic fashion! I love sharing with you tidbits of my life, my passions, art & cultural interests, DIYs, as well as lifestyle, relationships, great food, fashion, beauty, and lifestyle advice.

From fashion posts, product, and service recommendations, to my more personal blog posts, I hope HDCCloset Confidential creates immeasurable value for you! I hope it not only inspires but empowers you to love who you are, express yourself through your style, seek adventure & enjoyment of life every day, and, most importantly - Dare to Be Different!
Ciao Bella!